Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stories About Taking Advantages of Using Social Networking

1. Personally greet new members

 Veronica Alvarez is the founder of FertilityTies, an online community for those trying to conceive or going through infertility. Since fertility is a very sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable subject, Alvarez went out of her way to greet all new members personally through the site. “I believe this was instrumental for new members to feel genuinely welcomed and to have a higher inclination to come back and visit the site,” said Alvarez. Soon after, one of the site’s fertility doctors helped out with the personal greetings. And a few months after that, the site’s veteran members continued the good will by greeting new members themselves.
The warmth of the community has become infectious and last Christmas, some members got together and surprised one of the site’s fertility doctors with a personalized gift, plus a gift basket to Alvarez for building the community to help them through their difficulty journey to conception. With 85,000+ monthly visitors and 20% monthly growth, Alvarez still makes as much time as possible to greet new members, plus gladly sees other members join in as well. As Alvarez chimes, “We’ll continue to grow one warm greeting at a time!”
2.Selective Networking

Managing the marketing for Motion GolfSarah Greenwood was only interested in growing her client’s social network with golf enthusiasts. She began searching for golf trade associations and non-profits that were on Twitter. She mined the lists of people they were following looking for amateur golfers, golf pros, golf companies, golf blogs, golf writers, and media outlets. This required a lot of research, clicking through and reading bios of many users. To get followed back it was important for her to read posts, interact, and start a dialogue. She quickly realized that those who chose not to follow her back were not interested in interacting with her. So she unfollowed those people.
It’s been a lot of work says Greenwood, but after three weeks she’s set up four cross-marketing projects with other companies, and had conversations with two tour players, four national media writers, and many golf bloggers. Today, the company’s Twitter account (@MotionGolf) has more than 1,400 highly targeted followers.

3.The husband who dumped his wife by Facebook: 
"A separation is hard for everyone but finding out your marriage is over on the internet is too much! Emma Brady, a 35-year-old woman was shocked by a message her husband posted on the social networking site: "Neil Brady has ended his marriage to Emma Brady." The woman said she had no idea about it until her best friend in Denmark phoned her to “check if she was all right”. Her ex husband Neil Brady, who is now living with his mother, stated he had mentioned the separation to his wife. And added 'Id had enough of her'. We get the picture Neil… but anyways, you could have told it clearly to her face. "
4.The woman who had her Facebook photo stolen and used as advertising in the Czech Republic : 
"Everybody say cheese!! What a beautiful moment for this Missouri family posing for their Christmas card photo. But what they didn't expect is that the photo would end up somewhere else than their living room. Yes, a giant version of the image was spotted by a college friend of them on a food store in Prague, the Czech Republic . The photo was being used as an advertisement without any authorization. Grazie store in Prague's owner, Mario Bertuccio said he took it from the internet and he had no idea it belonged to a real family. Well Mario, say that to the judge. "

5.The Thirteen year old girl met a man on Facebook had sex with him and the hid him in her closet. "A very shocked woman called the police after she opened her teenage daughter's bedroom closet and found a 19-year-old man hidden inside. The 13-year-old girl admitted she had had sex with the man after meeting him on Facebook. Actually, according to the police, the man had been hiding in her closet since at least 2 days. The Facebook Romeo was arrested and is in custody awaiting possible criminal sexual conduct charges. "

Disadvantage of using Social Networking
1. According to:
Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyone who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators. Even if the terms of understanding claim that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time.

-Lots of great content still gets overlooked. Current lack of good filters creates problems finding the best content.

-Writers have problems delivering content consistently.
-Anonymity can engender polarization and hate.
-Information overload and social networking overload.
-Work/Life balance is hard to achieve.
As society and technology moves forward we stand at a watershed moment and history, so it is vitally necessary to stop and think about our societal trajectory.
3.Based on:
Scams, rumors and frauds spread easily. Because messaging and chatting is easy with the use of social networking sites, scams, rumors and frauds can be easily sent and spread. Some crazy people may start rumors about certain topics until it reaches everyone’s ears. Once the rumor has been spread, it will continue on and on.
You can lose privacy. Though you can adjust the privacy settings, you can still lose privacy. Some people, whom you don’t know, may look at your pictures, posts, comments, and a lot more
You could be a victim of cyber-stalking. Many have been a victim of cyber-stalking. You could be one of them because of social networking sites. A person (or even group of persons if you are very attractive) may be attracted or interested in you then keep on stalking you online. It is hard to know who your online stalker is. So, be careful in using social networking sites.
Addiction. Admit it. Social networking sites are very addicting. It is the reason why many students cannot concentrate on their studies and workers cannot do their job well. Children of today’s generation are less physically active compared to the children years ago. The reason is that children today spend most of their time in front of the computer using social networking sites. Social networking sites are also one of the reasons why office workers get scolded by their boss or even get fired.

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