Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Insights in COMPSCI

For almost 3 months of Attending class in compsci I’ve learned a lot specially for using social networking for real I don’t know how to use social networking my classmate told me that in our class only me don’t use social networking that time I use Friendster and because of Friendster I am addicted in other social networking like twitter and when i was in 3rd year high school I use Facebook and that time I deleted my account in Friendster. Facebook is so popular that time until now. I use facebook because my friend told me that in facebook you can chat with your friends, relative, and it has many games and I learned in this class about social networking is always think before you click because that will be the cause if your misunderstanding to your friends or some misconnection to your relatives etc. For real tho social networking don’t help us in our future or in our dream it makes our time fast because when you're using your account and you have an assignment i believe that we must open our account first before open our notebooks. And some common problem about using social networking it may cause failing grades.

Another thing I’ve learned in this class is about the copyright for me when I was in high school all of my papers are copy and paste i have no idea about the piracy in that time but when I heard the news about Wikipedia which is suing for copyright(my high school teacher told me about that I don’t know if that is true) and how to use the idea which you copy and paste.

There is another topic stock in my mind is the topic about the e business I thought you will become rich when you enter that field well I guess not because you cannot sell your product in other countries because some countries have their own law for selling product that are piracy or in other word the imitation which is more popular here in Philippines but in other countries i thought that imitation is against the law some example of imitation products here in Philippines is like the signature bags like Chanel, Hermes etc. You cannot delivery it in other countries that banned the imitation. Some businessman or businesswoman here in Philippines earns a lot because of selling imitation and I thank this topic because it gave an idea for safe business. This is not against the law.

Another thing is hacking for me I don’t know how to hack an account but by this topic it gives me an idea how to become safe even if in facebook when you change your setting in friends only which is not safe for the hackers. This topic helps me to put a password that is not related in my personal life. I said to my parent who’s also using the social networking to change their password which is not related to their lives.

Another topic which help me a lot is the misconception about computer some of my high school friends told me when I buy my laptop is use it carefully because they said if you restart your device it may cause a severe shutdown but I don’t follow them because I thought that they just kidding me and when this is our topic in compsci i have the idea about this problem and when this will be our project i do a lot of research and i knew that my friends have the wrong information about restarting your device. Another problem is the deleting a file will be permanently deleted we all know that when we deleted something it goes in trash bin or recycle bin and we don’t know that when is a file is permanently deleted.

When I was in 4th year high school our computer were automatically shut down so I thought that our computer has a virus so my mom call a technician and he said that we need to format our computer so we believe in him our computer was formatted but i know that time is when you formatted your computer you can recover or back up your files but when I saw the library all files were permanently deleted and can’t be recover so my mother was so mad to the technician because he didn’t back up our files. But we are lucky that nothing important was lost because all documents of my parents are in their laptop. All files that are lost is mostly like picture and movies but it’s okay.

Compsci taught me some things about computer that I realized I can make it in real life.


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