Monday, June 06, 2011

Belief and Issues about Computers..

     Is there's the time that you have heard someone telling you that your computer doesn't sound quite right or that sound a bit odd? Don't feel alone ;( this is a kind of computer misconception and i will show you the other common computer misconception.

     MYTH: The speed of a computer is determined by the System Resource

     TRUTH: Low resource can cause a computer to run slower but the speed of the system is not determined by the amount of system resource many things determined the speed but the most important are the speed and type of processor the amount of memory,speed,and type of RAM.the speed and size of the level two cache all have an effect some of these can also affect system resource though that is just a symptom only.and the cause that your system become slow is that there's a low amount of RAM installed in your computer.

     MYTH: Don't need an antivirus program because you use firewall.

     TRUTH: A firewall is designed to help prevent unauthorized entry into your computer from the internet its not designed to help prevent virus infection nor it is able to determined if there is a virus nor to remove one.

     MYTH: Restarting the computer is the same as shutting it down completely then powering it back up.

     TRUTH: Shutting down your computer off completely and waiting at least 30 second before powering it up again allows electrical current that is still in the wiring and board to seep out .Restarting doesn't do this .current is maintained.Turning a compute off periodically is vary good idea.

     MYTH: Restarting computer will cause damage to it.

     TRUTH: Not only restart not harm the computer the will actually help you use your computer information is put in temp files as well as in a location known as Swap files where it can more easily be retrieved for use by the application closing those application does not release all of this information so eventually the computer will no longer run efficiently and may even freeze with the standard use a computer should be restarted at least once or twice a day.

Thank you for reading my post. :D

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