Friday, May 27, 2011

History of Computers (Francis Altez)

Seriously computer was not introduced to me when i was in grade school because in public school that time i think that was year 2005 and i was grade 5 we don't have any computer subject but i know what computer is but i don't have any idea about it example what are the parts of computer but when i step in high school and now i studied in a private school and the first thing that I've learned about computer is the father of computer who is Charles Babbage yeah we all know our teachers first introduced to us is who originated the concept of computer or computer programming you can see about him in blog archive right beside my blog with the title "Father of Computer".I learned that computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automated carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations.Lets start in the ancient times.

When i was a child i have an abacus in my room but I don't know how it works then when i step in grades school my teacher told us that abacus is a kind of calculator but i don't believe in her and i think that she was joking then she gave us an  assignment about abacus and when i found out it is a kind of calculator and i was kind of idiot that don't believe in my teacher .well that was epic :D so an ABACUS is the early known device to record computation  and it dates back to ancient time.well that time real calculator was not invented so it used to be the first manual tool used in calculating answer.but time has come and a real calculator was you know him?Well i guess not? he is..

He developed what system are we still used today and that is calculator which many of us still used when it comes in problem solving and other business matter it is very useful to us but did you know that he is a kind of child prodigy?which means at an early age he master one or more skills far beyond their level of maturity because he was educated by his father whose a tax collector in Roune,France.and while he still a teenager he started work on calculating machine and many years to come he invented mechanical calculator which is used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic.


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