Friday, May 27, 2011

Generations of Computers

COMPUTER (1951-1958)
In 1951 the first generation of computer started with the UNIVAC I which stands for Universal Automated Computer built by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly I have a research   about them and i found out that they are the founder of EMCC (Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation)who designed the first commercial computer in U.S (United State) and the inventor of ENIAC or the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer it is the first general purpose electronic computer.UNIVAC I  is sold to the US Census Bureau. It is dedicated to business data processing so i thought it is only for business matter and not for military or scientific purposes.Its characteristic is it use vacuum tubes in electronic circuit which controlled the internal operations and this vacuum was the consequence is the machine is also large like in the picture above. 

COMPUTER (1959-1964)
Not like First Generation Computer that use
vacuum tubes for internal operation.The Second Generation Computer use a tiny solid  state transistor like you saw on the picture.but the good about it the heat problem was minimized and the computer could be made smaller and faster.i thought that because of the tiny solid transistor computer can be smaller and faster not like vacuum tubes that are so huge and the computer was also huge.

COMPUTER (1955-1970)
The use of IC (Integrated Circuit) replaced the old tiny solid transistor of the second generation computer this circuit are printed and hundreds of electronic components could be put on silicon tiny solid transistor IC or integrated circuit has greater storage capacity..
COMPUTER (1971-Present)
A Fourth Generation Computer is a modern day its more faster and more reliable to a specific task and has a greater amount of storage data. and the size started to go down with the improvement in the integrated use a very large scale that many component could be fit in a small reduced the size and price of the computer at the same time increasing power and reliability. .The intel chip developed in 1971 took the integrated circuit one step further by locating all the component of a computer.

COMPUTER (1982-Present)
All of our computer in our home are fully developed when it comes in faster processor and much greater storage capacity not like 1st to 4th generation i thought this computer is capable of course and more convience to  our needs when it comes in doing your  project or research or even surfing the  internet,multitasking and private business purposes.thats why we are lucky to have this kind of computer which is very useful to us in our daily routine.

History of Computers (Francis Altez)

Seriously computer was not introduced to me when i was in grade school because in public school that time i think that was year 2005 and i was grade 5 we don't have any computer subject but i know what computer is but i don't have any idea about it example what are the parts of computer but when i step in high school and now i studied in a private school and the first thing that I've learned about computer is the father of computer who is Charles Babbage yeah we all know our teachers first introduced to us is who originated the concept of computer or computer programming you can see about him in blog archive right beside my blog with the title "Father of Computer".I learned that computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automated carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations.Lets start in the ancient times.

When i was a child i have an abacus in my room but I don't know how it works then when i step in grades school my teacher told us that abacus is a kind of calculator but i don't believe in her and i think that she was joking then she gave us an  assignment about abacus and when i found out it is a kind of calculator and i was kind of idiot that don't believe in my teacher .well that was epic :D so an ABACUS is the early known device to record computation  and it dates back to ancient time.well that time real calculator was not invented so it used to be the first manual tool used in calculating answer.but time has come and a real calculator was you know him?Well i guess not? he is..

He developed what system are we still used today and that is calculator which many of us still used when it comes in problem solving and other business matter it is very useful to us but did you know that he is a kind of child prodigy?which means at an early age he master one or more skills far beyond their level of maturity because he was educated by his father whose a tax collector in Roune,France.and while he still a teenager he started work on calculating machine and many years to come he invented mechanical calculator which is used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

2 Kinds of Computer

     Did you know what type of computer are we using for word processing or serve as storage data?Well it's a General Purpose Computer which has to be able store data so,it has to have a memory or RAM which stands for Random Access Memory. and i red in an article that RAM or Random Access Memory is a "volatile memory" because the date is on a chip but it is "temporarily" which means it serve for a limited time for example when you switch off your computer the data will disappear. it means that the memory will not work if your switch off your computer.or the data will be used when you switch on your computer.and another things about general purpose computer is it is often understood to be a large systembut it may also be a smaller computer like desktop workstation.                            

 A Special Purpose Computer base on a article in it is designed to solve specific problem and it has many features of general purpose computer but it is designed only to handled specific problem and not to handled computerize activities like documenting .It means it is designed to process numeric data or other term for quantitative data which means it measured or identified on a numerical scale and numerical data can be analyzed using statistical method, so we can use a special purpose computer to figure out specific problem than general purpose computer which handled computerize activities.


Father of Computer

Nowadays we all know that computer is one that teens and other people needs for research,documenting,and also for gaming to have fun. But did you who is the Father of Modern Computing or the Father of Computer?well i guess not?He is Charles Babbage ,Born on the 26th of December 1791 in London England. He was an inventor and he originated the concept of computer programming.i red in an article that Charles Babbage studied mathematics and logic at several school.and found himself disapointed with most of the curriculum.well that was tragic :(. but on his own he designed an early computer which is not actually constructed and he also designed a printer and an analytical engine which would work alongside with his designed early computer,his analytical engine operate by a program which is created by Ada Lovelace whose now credited as the first programmer.

His Signature: