Sunday, July 03, 2011

Law and Order : Access Nation

Law and Order is all about the murder of a psychologist leads to a case involving a computer company that sell information and their responsibilities in shielding their clients's history to serve their needs.

     In today’s technological world millions of individuals are subject to privacy threats Companies are hired not only to watch what you visit online, but to infiltrate the information and send advertising based on your browsing history. According in the article ( risks to internet privacy - Privacy measures are provided on several social networking sites try to provide their users with protection for their personal information. for example On Facebook privacy settings are available for all registered users The settings available on Facebook include the ability to block certain individuals from seeing your profile, the ability to choose your "friends," and the ability to limit who has access to your pictures and videos  It is the user's prerogative to apply such settings when providing personal information on the internet.

Computer Hacking
     Computer hacking is more difficult to define base on Unlike most computer crime / misuse areas which are clear cut in terms of actions and legalities (e.g. softwarepiracy),. Computer hacking always involves some degree of infringement on the privacy of others or damage to computer-based property such as files, web pages or software. The impact of computer hacking varies from simply being simply invasive and annoying to illegal. There is an aura of mystery that surrounds hacking,and a prestige that accompanies being part of a relatively "elite" group of individuals who possess technological savvy and are willing to take the risks required to become a true "hacker".

Recovering Deleted Files
     Deleting the file isn’t the end,  According to All you need to do is open up the Recycle Bin on your desktop, select the file and drag it onto the desktop or into an Explorer window to recover it. Or simply double-click to open the Recycle Bin, select the file, and choose Restore from the pop-up menu to restore it to its original folder